Drawing curved

Pierre Huyghebaert

Free Art licence

Drawing curved An essay of a visual collection on drawing curved vectors

projects / lgru.reader.drawing-curved.git / tree

Demander les droits de reproduction d'images à la Société d'Histoire des usines Renault: http://www.ametis-renault.com/ Évolution des techniques de modelage 3D vers les courbes Bézier http://www-gmm.insa-toulouse.fr/~rabut/bezier/cad/cad.html Just before to die, Pierre Bezier wrote to a researcher on his work : "We can summarize what i brought by this idea a bit strange : instead of distord a curve, or a family of curves, it's better to distord more generaly the space where they are included. The straight line is not, etc. Sincerely yours, P. Bézier" "My contribution could be summarized by this somewhat strange idea : instead of modifying the shape of a curve, or of a family of curves, it is better to have the space into which we put them globally deformed. The straight line is not... and so on. Best wishes, P. Bézier" http://www.jasondavies.com/animated-bezier/ "On pourrait résumer mon apport par cette idée un peu bizarre : au lieu de déformer une courbe, ou une famille de courbes, il vaut mieux faire subir une distorsion générale à l'espace dans lequel on les a incluses. La ligne droite n'est pas... etc. Bien cordialement P. Bézier"

http://git.constantvzw.org/?p=lgru.reader.drawing-curved.git;a=blob_plain;f=bezier-pistolet.jpg Trouver une portion sur un étalon pré-existant. Gamme de pistolets : comment étaient-t-il produits?


http://git.constantvzw.org/?p=lgru.reader.drawing-curved.git;a=blob_plain;f=bezier-img008.jpg Imaginer un dispositif physique correspondant à la description de PB ci-dessus. Workshops Baltan labs http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/lab/wiki/index.php/Projections

http://git.constantvzw.org/?p=lgru.reader.drawing-curved.git;a=blob_plain;f=bezier-img010.jpg (idem) Pantographe - changement d'échelle (?)



http://git.constantvzw.org/?p=lgru.reader.drawing-curved.git;a=blob_plain;f=bezier-img016.jpg Vieilles techniques de reproduction, utiles chez Renault

http://git.constantvzw.org/?p=lgru.reader.drawing-curved.git;a=blob_plain;f=bezier-img018.jpg Vue imaginaire de ?









Retooling - Just in time (ce n'est pas pour rien que les courbes de béziers ont été créees par un outilleur de l'industrie automobile). Position ingrate, doivent inventer des outils mais sans réellement savoir l'application. "By the mid-1950s, Toyota Motor Corporation of Japan began to explore a more fluid production model. Without the massive warehouse spaces available to store inventories required for an Assembly-Line, Toyota developed the Just-In-Time production model and inverted the stakes of manufacturing. By exploiting and implementing a fluid communications infrastructure along the supply line of parts, manufacturers, labor and customers, Toyota could maintain smaller inventories and make rapid adjustments. A quicker response time was now possible and products could be made when they were needed. All of the work could be handled by a wider number of less-specialized workers and design revisions could be made on-the-fly without shutting down production and re-tooling. The result was an immediate surplus of cash (due to reduced inventories) and a sustainable, responsive design and production system—smaller warehouses, faster communications networks, responsive and iterative design revision and products made as they are needed: Just-In-Time." Modules... Logiciel... All of the work could be handled by a wider number of less-specialized workers and design revisions could be made on-the-fly without shutting down production and re-tooling. The result was an immediate surplus of cash (due to reduced inventories) and a sustainable, responsive design and production system—smaller warehouses, faster communications networks, responsive and iterative design revision and products made as they are needed: Just-In-Time." http://www.dextersinister.org/index.html?id=3 Just in time - Ford/Toyota - DexterSinister Link with the car industry Lien avec l'industrie automobile →Bezier Capture d'écrans de logiciels de 2D/3D montrant des voitures. Les belles courbes hot rods

http://git.constantvzw.org/?p=lgru.reader.drawing-curved.git;a=blob_plain;f=bezier-signature.jpg Pour convaincre les dirigeants de Renault, ils reproduisent l'écriture: signature du trésorier de la Banque de France, imprimée sur tous les billets de l'époque Rapport à l'écriture/typographie le geste est la forme la plus libre qui soit, rapport à la copie: faire aussi bien que l'original "With any new palette you encounter, try to execute your signature. If it comes out looking half-way decent, then the pencil is being splined"

Manuel d'Unisurf Essayer le visual basic http://www-gmm.insa-toulouse.fr/~rabut/bezier/ extra/mono-basic 2.10-3 Mono Visual Basic.NET compiler http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/77846?uid=3737592&uid=2&uid=4&sid=21102269602281 (demander à Lilly) À creuser. Chercher des gens chez Renault qui connaissent Unisurf. - Re-read how manuals try to describe this distorsion

Comment on apprend à dessiner les courbes Bézier Adobe

http://git.constantvzw.org/?p=lgru.reader.drawing-curved.git;a=blob_plain;f=ill_sdw_first_curve_point.png Drawing the first point in a curve A. Positioning Pen tool B. Starting to drag (mouse button pressed) C. Dragging to extend direction lines

http://git.constantvzw.org/?p=lgru.reader.drawing-curved.git;a=blob_plain;f=ill_sdw_second_curve_point.png Position the Pen tool where you want the curve segment to end, and do one of the following: To create a C‑shaped curve, drag in a direction opposite to the previous direction line. Then release the mouse button.

http://git.constantvzw.org/?p=lgru.reader.drawing-curved.git;a=blob_plain;f=ill_sdw_2curves.png Drawing the second point in a curve A. Starting to drag second smooth point B. Dragging away from previous direction line, creating a C curve C. Result after releasing mouse button http://help.adobe.com/en_US/illustrator/cs/using/WS3f28b00cc50711d9-2cf89fa2133b344d448-8000.html#WS55B8A5DC-5496-494d-ADA8-FFE0FA5DAEA1
Relire comment les manuels décrivent le dessin en Bezier pour chaque logiciel

http://git.constantvzw.org/?p=lgru.reader.drawing-curved.git;a=blob_plain;f=covers-manual-illustrator.png;hb=HEAD Le tout en poche

http://git.constantvzw.org/?p=lgru.reader.drawing-curved.git;a=blob_plain;f=ici.png Is drawing curves is drawing in the mist?

Point-and-click - selection systems mécanismes de sélections Question de la représentation des points, des sélections, des courbes LisaDraw

http://toastytech.com/guis/lisadrawwrite.png Xerox Star http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODZBL80JPqw Xerox Alto with Bravo http://bitsavers.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/pdf/xerox/alto/BravoXMan.pdf SIL and Draw http://history-computer.com/Library/AltoUsersHandbook.pdf MacDraw Sodipodi -no manual? Inkscape KSEG FontForge FontLab Freehand - http://www.adobe.com/products/freehand/productinfo/features/ http://www.adobe.com/support/freehand/vectors/using_pen_tool/using_pen_tool03.html FontStudio Letrastudio http://designarchives.aiga.org/#/entries/%2Bid%3A4034/_/detail/relevance/asc/0/7/4034/letraset-package-systemletrastudio/1 Photoshop > Illustrator SK1 LibreOffice Gimp Scribus CorelDraw Fontographer Blender SketchUp Paint Jpicedt http://typism.appspot.com http://fontclod.meteor.com/ Robofont http://support.xara.com/ : no manual svgedit (editeur de fontes en ligne) http://typism.appspot.com Kalliculator: http://www.kalliculator.com/ font constructor: http://www.fontconstructor.com rounding ufo: http://roundingufo.typemytype.com ufo stretch: http://ufostretch.typemytype.com/ superpolator: http://superpolator.com/
Spiro https://github.com/monkeyiq/fontforge Speculations tester sur un dessin canonique et noter chaque différence précise. Tenter de relater une expérience du dessin - Use the Tiger example http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_vector_graphics_editors

http://git.constantvzw.org/?p=lgru.reader.drawing-curved.git;a=blob_plain;f=autocad.png Graphical Shell prototype lien avec le GSp dans la mesure où on édite le tool on the spot AutoCAD Command line and Dynamic Input http://new.math.uiuc.edu/netgeom/advice/palettes.html Pierre: Bitmap: photoshop/gimp parler du manque apparent entre les deux parties (dessin, géometrie) disparition/disparité Alan Kay on OOP: http://marcusdenker.de/AlanKayOOP.html A few pictures of a future font editor with history interface http://gallery3.constantvzw.org/index.php/LGRU-Wednesday-Visual-Versioning/DSC_6105-1 http://gallery3.constantvzw.org/index.php/LGRU-Wednesday-Visual-Versioning/DSC_6121 http://gallery3.constantvzw.org/index.php/LGRU-Wednesday-Visual-Versioning/DSC_6119

http://gallery3.constantvzw.org/var/resizes/LGRU-Wednesday/DSC_6119.JPG?m=1330165126 Multi-level type design interfaces Type design is an iterative process of refining design directions. Starting from a better understanding of what happens when you design a font, we worked on a type design environment that moves more fluently between different scales of design: From single glyphs to letter-pairs and textblocks but also to move between different versions of both digital and hand-drawn sketches. Some of these features can be already discovered in Fontmatrix: http://oep-h.com/fontmatrix Essai visuel: dessiner une courbe de bézier. bezier fontographer 8< - - - "L'aventure de Pierre Bézier aurait pu s'arrêter là. Mais, à l'autre bout du monde, des années plus tard, un groupe de développeurs liés à Apple créa un langage adapté à la future imprimante laser conçue pour le Mac. Il s'agissait de trouver un moyen de définir mathématiquement une courbe, comme le tracé d'un caractère, avant de l'envoyer à l'imprimante... L'un de ces développeurs, John Warnock, connaissait le travail du Français. Tout naturellement, il choisit les courbes de Bézier comme base du langage PostScript et fonda la société Adobe. On sait comment le PostScript fit la fortune de cette start-up devenue multinationale. Et comment le nom de Pierre Bézier fut popularisé par un autre best-seller d'Adobe, le logiciel de dessin Illustrator. Aujourd'hui, les graphistes et designers utilisent l'outil Plume et tracent des courbes de Bézier sans avoir la moindre idée de leur origine, un peu comme monsieur Jourdain faisait de la prose sans le savoir..." - - - >8 http://rocbo.lautre.net/bezier/pb-indus.htm

Femke's restitution of co-position LGRU session http://blogs.lgru.net/ft/theme/co-position/100-idees

http://git.constantvzw.org/?p=lgru.reader.drawing-curved.git;a=blob_plain;f=ill_sdw_edit_closed_shape.png Question of time in the way of drawing - pauses - relationship wth the stroke and the time of the drawing of the stroke what happened when you want to pause your pen?

http://git.constantvzw.org/?p=lgru.reader.drawing-curved.git;a=blob_plain;f=a-drawing.png Expliquer les différents types de points sur un "d" avec des tensions variables

Some quotes "And each has a different palette (a.k.a. drawing toolbar) reflecting a different philosophy of what constitutes a minimal set of drawing tools." "Not every fat-bits tool since works the way it did in MacPaint." "(on Ipaint palette) But the spline tool takes some getting used to, and it helps to know how Bezier splines work." [...] "Circles are special ellipses. Most surprisingly, circles don't have a center or radius. You have to guess." [...] If it matters how your figures look, use proper geometry drawing tools, many of which are also free. (on vector graphics) "the figure on the screen can re-addressed with a picking tool, and edited. For example, it can be deleted. The document stores only the data needed for the Bresenham line to be drawn." (on word's whiteboard) "Curiously, the Whiteboard uses an advanced feature more proper to advanced tools, like Photoshop, namely so-called layers . This permits a level of interactivity of several users which is not typical of blackboard, or real whiteboards. This makes its use non-intuitive." (on KSEG) "KSEG creates new points with the right mouse, and that is where geometry begins, with points! Everything else is a construction. " [...] "Suppose you specify three points (hold the shift key as you select three already constructed points), what do they specifiy geometrically speaking? The options that are available. Thus you can click the segment (you get a polygon), the lines (you get a tri-lateral), the arc (you get an arc). But why not circle. Because you should construct your circle from more primitive constructions. Baran is a minimimalist, in many ways."